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miercuri, 2 iulie 2008

Lasati copiii

—Mie mi-e si frica sa fac copii.
—Ma uit in jurul meu si parca ma strange in spate. Il stii pe X? Stii cate probleme a avut cu copilul, cu operatii peste operatii, noroc de parinti ca au mai avut bani si l-au ajutat. Acum aud ca si fata lui Y are nevoie de operatie, si sigur e scumpa. Are 2 ani fetita si alaltaieri ma jucam cu ea pe aici, e o dulceata, am simtit ca-mi cade cerul in cap cand am auzit.
—...parca A vrea copii...
—Stiu ca vrea, si stiu ca nu trebuie sa mi se intample si mie, si stiu... Dar mi-e frica. Efectiv mi-e frica.

—Chiar ca a luat-o lumea razna.
—Inca un caz de copil violat de tata. Cat de bolnav cu capul sa fii sa-ti violezi copilul ?
—Saptamana trecuta un baiat, saptamana asta o fata, mai este si aia insarcinata cu unchi-su.... nu, astia nu-s normali, da’ de loc. Pe bune, aproape ca inteleg sa-i fortezi sa-ti faca sex oral
—Asculta-ma, Doamne fereste! nu sustin asa ceva, dar gandeste-te: una este sa-l pui sa-ti faca sex oral, sa-ti bagi ceva intr-o gura atat >o.< de mica? De ce?! Ce satisfactie poti obtine si cum de poti obtine satisfactie din durerea lui?!

—Last night, I made coq au vin for dinner [for my husband], so of course the subject of children came up.
—Of course.
—All of a sudden, completely out of the blue, Jackson announces he wants four in four.
—He wants what?
—Four in four. Four kids in four years.
—Good Lord!
—I know!
—Well, who’s he gonna have these kids with?
—Me, apparently.
—What did you say?

—See, here’s where, uh, the problem comes in.
—I think I said yes.
—How is that possible?
— Well, I was totally shocked when he announced it and I sort of said, "O. . kay" and . . but I think he took it as, "Okay!!!" So, apparently, now I have to get busy.
—Do you want four in four?
—No. But, I mean, I want kids. You know I want kids.
—I know you want kids.
—But I thought maybe one. Two if the first one is really quiet.
—This is not like the fruit bowl his mother gave you. You can’t stick four kids in the attic and just pull them out at Christmas.
—I know...

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