Aveam de gand altceva pentru astazi, dar azi dimineata a murit unul din cei mai mari scriitori de "science-facts and science-fiction", dupa cum singur declara. Arthur C. Clarke, "British science fiction, author, inventor, and futurist", a murit azi noapte, in casa lui din Colombo, Sry Lanka, la 90 de ani.
Va invit pe wikipedia sa aflati mai multe despre ce a facut. Toata lumea il stie ca co-autor al cultului numit "2001-O Odisee Spatiala", inventator al satelitului de telecomunicatii, pentru romanele sf sau documentarele sale. A facut mult mai multe. BBC i-a sintetizat, poate cel mai bine farmecul:
Arthur C Clarke's vivid - and detailed - descriptions of space shuttles, super-computers and rapid communications systems were enjoyed by millions of readers around the world. His writings gave science fiction - a genre often accused of veering towards the fantastical - a refreshingly human and practical face. Clarke's ideas and gadgets engaged his readers because of, not despite, their plausibility. Quite often, his fictional musings formed the basis of what we now see as science fact.
O video-stire BBC News gasiti aici .Daca aveti timp, va recomand urmatorul material TV pregatit de el. Sintetizeaza 90 de ani de viata activa conectat la stiinta si tehnologie.
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